Week 9 – Encounter With the Unknown

Last week-end, I met fifteen out of my ninety friends who graduated with me from the Engineering School of Brussels University, back in 1977. We spent the whole week-end together with our spouses on a nice luxurious boat cruising on the Rhine running between France...

Week 7 – A Dream Come True

I will continue during the coming weeks to share the experience of my tribe’s members in this MKMMA training, but a special event happened for me this week, and I wanted to share it here because it is deeply connected to my personal Master Key experience. The...

Week 6 – Cheri’s MKMMA Experience

Like for Gary in Week 5, I want to share with you the changes that Cheri is experiencing after just 6 weeks of the MKMMA training: “I am enjoying observing how linking of colors and shapes are occurring spontaneously at times this week. The reading that I am...

Week 5 – Gary’s MKMMA Experience

Gary is a member of my tribe, and like all other active members of the tribe, he is very dedicated to “do the work”, whatever the time and efforts it takes. Here is what he shared this week about the improvements he is observing in his environment since he...