I have always loved mountains, admiring them, loving to be in the middle of them or climbing them!


The Macchapuchare, in Nepal, is a sacred mountain and is said to be the residence of Shiva

Some people say that they are sanctuaries for spiritual entities, especially at their top because it is free of human agitation!

Sometimes the attraction of a mountain is so powerful that human beings are compelled to climb it in spite of the difficulty and the danger.

This is because there is nothing like the view and the energy at the top of a mountain.

I found that the MKMMA program is like a mountain, but in the spiritual world.

At its summit reigns a wider consciousness bringing a more fulfilling life.

Those who reached it say that there is nothing like it 🙂

That’s why it is attractive for most people, and some have a burning desire to “climb” it to the top.

But in order to reach the top, it is better to first be prepared.

(I could hear a Red character person say “That’s not a mountain for wimps!”)

Now here is an interesting analogy: when someone unprepared tries to climb a mountain, the natural conditions of the field are quickly stopping them, and they can usually go back home safe to improve their preparation, if they have a burning desire to go to the top.

But if someone is trained enough to reach the top, they should also remember that the top is only half way of the journey, because they must be able to go down in order to enjoy the full experience!

It is the same with MKMMA: the unprepared are leaving the program during the first few sessions, and they will be able to safely improve their training before a next attempt.

But those who continued to the top after having overcome the challenges of the ascension, are exposed to the dangers of the descent, which is often more hazardous than the ascension!

When is the top of MKMMA? Technically, it is when all the practical tools to master the “World within” have been taught…which is around mid-term (week 12 or 13).

That moment is a point of ‘no return’ for the experience, because all the tools are now known, including by the Old Blueprint, but not yet integrated – integration of all the tools to reach and to live at a higher level of consciousness being the focus of the “descent”, sessions 14 to 26…

A climber giving up after a point of no-return exposes is physical life…a quitting decision at this stage is literally a choice of physical death…

An MKMMAer making a quitting decision after mid-session is also exposed to death, but at the spiritual level…Their Old Blueprint, now in possession of all the MKMMA tools, could easily prevent them forever to become the whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy human being that they are.

So, if some temporary situations are tempting you to listen to your Old Blueprint telling you that you could skip your sit or the reading of your DMP for this time, DON’T GIVE UP TO THAT TEMPTATION BECAUSE IT COULD COST YOU YOUR LIFE!

Always remember that you have a Guide with you, who knows the path.

So if you feel lost for a moment, trust them, stay focussed and follow their trace…and enjoy the view at the top because their is nothing like it 🙂


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