We only see a very little part of all the amazing things which are going on in our being.

Among all the things arising in our life (the Big Screen) only a tiny little square is visible to our consciousness.

Among all the things under construction in our life (the Big Screen), only a tiny little square is visible and perceived by our consciousness.

As a comparison, suppose that all what’s going on in your being was displayed on a big TV or computer screen, and that what you can see is just a little square of 10 x 10 pixels out of that big screen.

Only the information within that “little square” is perceived by the conscious mind.

When something arises in your “little square”, it is always a consequence of all what is happening in the rest of your screen.

There is thus a good news and a bad news: the bad news is that, if you don’t know how to master the things which happen on your big screen, you are like a cork on the ocean…you see events and circumstances scrolling in your “little square” without any power to influence them on one way or another, whatever your efforts to control them.

One of my friends went recently to an ordinary medical check up, and discovered sundenly that she was developing a severe disease…just before the check up, she thought she was in good health!

Her real health status had just appeared in her “little square”, but the illness was developing since quite a long time in the other parts of her “big screen”.

Does this mean we should be afraid of what’s happening outside of our perception and expect to have the sky falling on our head at any moment?

No, this is not necessary nor suitable because the good news is that it is possible to acquire the mastery of what is happening in the “big screen.”

The way to do it is called the Master Key System, and this is exactly what the MKMMA is teaching us.

This is why I strongly believe that once the MKMMA has appeared in our “little square”, we must consider it as an incredible opportunity to master our entire life.

Who could afford to let go such an opportunity?

Only those who have never seen a tragic event in their “little square” yet AND who are ignorant about the existence of their bigger screen…

But all the others have the KNOWLEDGE…including the knowledge that “knowledge does not apply itself!”

Therefore they will courageously accept the little hassles of the MKMMA exercises until these become part of their daily life.

And they will enjoy the fun of discovering new and exciting things in their “little square”, knowing that mainly good things are under construction in their “big screen”… because they are mastering the construction!

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