In his week 20 Post, Gary is pointing out the crucial importance of always keeping our promises…Enjoy!

September 24, 2017 to today, February 13, 2018.  We have been working on this class, seven days a week 1-3 hours a day.  All but three Sundays, we have had 2 hour  webinars with mastermind or fellowship following. Then we had to pay it forward(which I love because I may not have taken this class if I had to pay first, but I am gladly paying it forward).  First thing is figure out what your main purpose in life is.  Why?  Because I and my class mates want to live a life of purpose,  harmony, and to achieve our dreams.  We are trying to accomplish happiness.  So many people start and many ( don’t know how many ) stop the class.  Do they stop because they can’t figure out what they want?  Maybe it is too hard to do the work and /or to keep the commitment.  Maybe it is too painful to realize they have wasted years, but , don’t stay with the class long enough to learn how to forget yesterday and tomorrow and concentrate on the present.  I don’t know the reason and really cannot spend any more time contemplating the gone.   I started the class to accomplish one thing.  Find my purpose.  Something I can do because I get a feeling of accomplishment and it is effortless.  When you do what you love, you are never working.  I am close!  How close?  Don’t know.  At the beginning, it was two steps forward, one step back.  After four and a half months, it is 10 steps forward, one step back.  The one step back is not to be ignored!  It is the old blueprint trying subtlety to hijack my progress and bring me back to my old ways.  When this happens it is so subtle.  Maybe skip a reading because I feel tired or I am busy.  Heaven forbid skip a sit!  Skip a reading because we are having a webinar and that counts.  Be aware and be the observer.  See the subtle tricks at play and be persistent in the steps.  Purpose, Effortless success, Bliss, Happiness,  Love. Oh oh, my alarm just went off to remind me to do my midday read!  Remember what we are trying to accomplish!

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