Scroll 6 of Og Mandino’s « Greatest Salesman in the World » contains the sentence I consider for the moment to be the most powerful sentence of the book :

« Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions ; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. »

This is an example of what I like to call « To think upside up ».

There are an infinite number of situations where we, as human beings, have been conditioned to think upside down.

This has brought humanity to live a nightmare of negative feelings and pain, because another way to say « thinking upside down » is to say « living against the Universal Laws. »

Here are just a few quite obvious examples of “upside down thinking” :

  • We are now used to label good, natural food with the stamp « organic »…leaving the health damaging industrial food unnoticed by ignorant or inattentive people…It’s like if, to introduce you to my good married friend Tom, I’d say « Here is Tom, my good friend who has never beat his wife »…rather stupid, don’t you agree ?
  • Another pathetic example, social security…linked with the previous one, by the way…all the prosperous countries in the world today have an insurance system to cover the expenses of illness…but very few or nothing is invested in educating people on how they could stay in good health all their life.

Do you want more ?

  • What about the media which are bombarding the planet with bad « news », which « self-feeds » the vicious circle of bad thoughts, bad feelings, bad behaviors conducing to more bad « news »…instead of informing the population about the good news in the world, which would trigger a vertuous circle of good thoughts, good feelings, good behaviors conducing to more good news ?
  • And finally, probably one of the most destructive upward down thinking : the idea of scarcity of space, energy and ressources…For exemple, here in France, there is a rather stupid scarcity mantra that is distilled since years in people’s mind everyday during some broadcast advertisements : « Energy is our future, let’s save it up ! » What a scam ! Well done, Mr Smith (for the Matrix movie fans 🙂 !)
    Of course, you know the truth about abundance being a natural proprety of the universe…remember for example that each cubic centimeter of space around you contains enough energy to feed New York in electricity for one week or more (AND that we definitely have the technology to collect that energy)…or looking at any tree which produces thousands of seeds every year, whereas it could live hundreds or even thousands of years (eg. a sequoia), while just one of its seeds could replace it…

I’ll stop here, I’m sure you got my point from now : the upside down thinking mode (similar in effect to the « non thinking » mode, by the way) has taken control of our minds, and we must fight every day to retrieve the habit and the ability to think « upside up » again.

That’s why I so much love that Og’s sentence, and also the support of the MKMMA…if we do the exercises earnestly, we are, by law, progressively replacing our « upside down thinking » junk by the « upside up thinking » habit.

Keep persisting my friend, when your World Within will only be filled with “upside up thinking thoughts” you will have changed the world…

Personally, I use this idea to keep myself happy whatsoever, 24/7…Don’t Worry, Be Happy!


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