Week 7 is the week of the Mental Diet, and I had to reset my mental diet one hour ago, just after a two minute phone call…

This was unexpected because I am living since two weeks in South of Spain a perfect balance between all activities I am the most passionate with, ie. 100% quality time for myself, with my spouse and my family, and for working in my passions…all that together…absolutely no space left in my mind to entertain any kind of negative thought…

Well, that’s what I believed until one hour ago!

Actually, that phone call (it was my father on the line) let me for more than half an hour in a negative mood, full of mixed negative feelings such as anger, sadness, powerlessness, or discouragement…Let me explain…

My father knows that I am not looking nor listening to « the news » since many years, as I treat these as the most devastating source of mental garbage ever invented by mankind…

That’s why he decided to warn me about the apparent turmoil in France due to a series of suicide attacks in Paris…

In my previous post (Week 6 : to choose or not to choose), I shared about the 9/11 tragedy which triggered my decision to put some order in my own life, because I viewed this as my only possible contribution to a better world.

So here we are, this time in Paris, 14 years after 9/11, and the same horror show again.

Does it mean that the world has not improved? And that my decision of the 11th of September 2001 was doomed to failure?

No! The world has improved, at least by 1/7,000,000,000th of its possibilities : I have improved, I know this for a fact, why?

Because my « world without » today is more positive than it was 14 years ago, which means that my « world within » has improved…therefore « I » have improved.

If you too have improved since 9/11/2001 then you will know that the world has improved at least by 2/7,000,000,000th of its possibilities (you plus me)…If that’s the case, leave a comment hereafter and I promise to display on this blog the latest value of this fraction. I am eager to see it growing quickly!

We must grow to live, therefore we should live to grow

We must grow to live, therefore we should live to grow

The source of my permanent commitment to continuous growth is this: the essence of life is growth, and any living thing which does not grow is doomed to die, by law…there are enough scientific evidences to prove it.

The consequence of this is HUGE : as a human being, since living and growing go together by law, choosing NOT to grow is identical as choosing NOT to live, which means…choosing (consciously or unconsciously) to die…

So, as improving the quality of our thoughts is a way to grow (thus to live), practicing the Mental Diet becomes as critical as taking care of the air we breathe, or the food we eat…being careless in these domains, and one day our physical body will throw in the towel…

It is the same for every single MKMMA action, which has been designed to support the growth of the person who exercises it.

So I hope this will give you a rock solid foundation to anchor yourself if one of these days, you are hit by the discouragement or the temptation to abandon your Hero’s Journey.

The world needs more than ever the best version of YOU.

JUST BE IT, and one day all the tragedies of the world will only be remembered as tragic means created by mankind to force itself into a higher consciousness.

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