Already three years, during Week 21, that I am studying this fascinating chapter 21 of the Master Key System, and the first paragraph (21-1) continues more than ever to excite my desire to get the key to freedom, because that is truly what I’m after in this life…

And the challenge is to really get what these words mean…ok if you read the paragraph, you will undoubtedly understand every word of it, but what about their true meaning in the daily life? That’s the question to which I am endlessly looking for an answer…

Here is the paragraph, make sure you read it with the greatest attention:

Haanel 21-1: “The real secret of power is consciousness of power. The Universal Mind is unconditional; therefore, the more conscious we become of our unity with this mind, the less conscious we shall become of conditions and limitations, and as we become emancipated or freed from conditions we come into a realization of the unconditional. We have become free!

How do you feel? Especially when you read the last four words “We have become free!“…to me, it gives me goose bumps!!

I KNOW that this paragraph expresses the truth…so where is the key to the vault of freedom?

What do we need to get in this paragraph in order to “become free”?

This year, I realized for the first time that I had to dig deeper on the meaning of consciousness: what does it mean REALLY to become conscious of something?

Here is the summary of the sits I made with this question on the shelf:


  • consciousness materializes through images, memories and thoughts; these will trigger our emotions, which in turn will trigger actions;
  • these actions will bring new thoughts, liberate new memories, and create an increase of consciousness,  PROVIDING  THAT  OUR INTENTION IS FOCUSED ON THIS.
  • Our power lies mainly in the EXPERIMENT, which is the acting out required by our system (as human beings) to evolve, to grow…to live!
  • Increasing consciousness is thus the very intention of life: it is the Universel Mind, the Devine, the One which looks for ways to become more conscious of Itself, of Its own reality, of Its truth, through Its manifestations, Its creatures of which we are part of.
  • Our power is as big as the amount and the quality of the experiments and observations we have accumulated through time, and
  • we can increase this power by reconnecting the memories of these experiments and observations thanks to focused intention, silent meditation, and perfect orientation of thoughts and emotions.

The practical conclusion I draw from these ideas (before they vanish again in the noise of the mind) is that I want to keep my intention constantly focused on enlarging my consciousness, and for this, to continuously experimenting new things as a way of life…

mmmmhh! I love this so much that I start to feel the breath of freedom on my cheeks 🙂

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