MKE 2019 – Week 7: Attacks of the Old Bleuprint

MKE 2019 – Week 7: Attacks of the Old Bleuprint

This week, two members of my tribe asked me a short individual session because they were struggling since several days to execute their MKE exercises and were worried that they couldn’t. Both had excellent reasons, the kind of “external” reasons that we all have...
MKE2019 – Week 4: The Tribe Calls

MKE2019 – Week 4: The Tribe Calls

Every year, between Week 2 and Week 3, we start the Tribe Calls. The first session is always special because no one in the group knows exactly what will happen. Its main objective is just to allow the members of the Tribe to meet « in real », which means for a zoom...
MKE2019 – Week 3: The “Subby” Language

MKE2019 – Week 3: The “Subby” Language

Week 3 is the time when the DMPs start to take shape. At this stage of the DMP process, most members are well aware of the basic requirements of the « subby » language, ie. the language that the subconscious mind understands and acts upon. Examples of such...