This week, two members of my tribe asked me a short individual session because they were struggling since several days to execute their MKE exercises and were worried that they couldn’t.

Both had excellent reasons, the kind of “external” reasons that we all have encountered or could encounter in our own life.

I will not share these reasons here because they are completely irrelevant to the solution of the real challenge we are all facing: to stay focused on the successful achievement of our MKE Hero’s Journey!

Here is instead a short list of examples of “reasons” I have collected during my 5 years as a guide, including my owns:

  • My job is taking too much time.
  • My family is more important and I don’t have the time to take care of it since I started the training.
  • I have to take care of my child(ren) / spouse / mother / cat / etc… because… (anything which implies “they really need me!”)
  • After I have done everything “I need to do”, I am too tired for starting my MKE exercises.
  • I am not in the right Time Zone to be able to follow the training efficiently.
  • Let me just finish this urgent work and then I will be ready to be “all in”.
  • Finally, I realize that this training is not for me: you see, when I start something, I must be able to do it at.100% otherwise it’s not worth doing it at all.
  • I don’t feel ready yet.
  • I have done everything I have been told to do, hence I don’t see any result.
  • Etc…

It is common for all of us that any kind of “reason” like these is popping up in our mind when we earnestly enter the MKE Hero’s Journey.

And this is good news, because it means that the Old Blueprint is noticing the change which starts to take place, and as it hates change, it starts to develop a strategy to “talk us” out of the training, in other terms, to trigger a “refusal of the call” from our part!

The key to overcoming the challenge is to work hard on developing our burning desire around the real reasons why we started the MKMMA in the first place.

Sometimes the burning desire is there from the first minute, but for most of us it needs time to grow…and we have to devote all our attention to it because it is our best chance to achieve our MKE Hero’s Journey!

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