What is the mother of learning ?

The best way to change a idea, a belief or a behavior effortlessly?


There is an even more powerful way to learn: repetition combined with feeling.

All excellent teachers, trainers and coaches know this.

And since Mark and Davene are worldclass teachers, this is what they are asking to do with everything they teach us.

The main example is the DMP of course.

Three repetitions a day, out loud with feelings and enthousiasm, you should know the drill by now !

Is there a better, faster, easier way to achieve the good things we have written in our DMP ?

No, there isn’t.

If you need a social proof of this, just look at how advertising works, or even more spectacular, the news dispatched by the media.

I know that people are divided in two camps, those who believe that news from the traditional media is pure propaganda, and those who trust them to learn what is happening in the world.

I don’t need nor want to tell you here in which camp I am, because it would be irrelevant to my point in this blog…and it would also be « influence »…

The point is, it is hard to find in our current world something more powerful, more sophisticated and more beautifully designed than advertising or the media to inprint an idea or induce a behavior in the mind of a large group of people.

Repetition combined with emotion is the rule of the game.

Wether the message dispatched is true or false is not important, the fact is that anyone who has been exposed to it often enough will believe it and act as it was true.

Some clever experts have even found a way to accelerate the adoption of printed advertisements by adding on it the slogan « seen on TV »…

By now, you must have guessed what I wanted to emphasize in the daily Master Key practices : the crucial importance of implementing the drill of reading the DMP with emotion.

If you stick to this practice, the manifestation of any goal you properly write down in your DMP is guaranteed…only the time may vary, depending on the degree of faith you have at the start of the process…

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