Week 19 of the MKMMA program is a no-workshop week, which allows the integration of the powerful material taught in Week 18.

Two main questions were on the agenda that week:

  1. how all members of the program can become the Greatest Salesman in the World at the same time? and
  2. how can we use the Aladin lamp that we all possess?

greatest_salesmanThe first question is intriguing indeed, as apparently only one person at a time could be THE greatest salesman in the world.

That might explain why only a very small number of students found the right answer…

Which is: “I become the greatest salesman in the world the day I’m selling me to myself, meaning I know that I know that I can deliver my service and keep my promises to my clients, whatsoever.

What do I need to do to become the Greatest Salesman in the World?

I do my best every day to acquire the skills, the knowledge and the experience until I master my kraft.

It’s as simple as that…but not necessarily easy, hence the utility of the workouts provided by the MKMMA program.

And also the utility of knowing that every one of us owns their own Aladin lamp which can be activated as many times as we want…providing we know how!

To make it short, the Aladin lamp is a symbol to represent our innate creative power…we are powerful creators, whether we know it or not, and we truly possess the Aladin lamp, which means we have the power to create anything on demand…providing we can use the lamp!

And what is the recipe to “rub the lamp” and ask the Djinn inside to create our wish?lampe Aladin 2

The secret lays in one question: “What would the person I want to become do next?”

By repeating this question often enough (and executing what its answer suggests, of course), we will realize our wish, by law.

Try it and see the miracles popping up every day in your life!



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