I recently updated my DMP, and for that occasion, I decided to describe each of my goals as a miracle.

Because I believe that every single thing which occurs in my life should be seen as a miracle.

And of course, as for everything we decide to believe in, the Universe starts to show us evidences of our belief.

For example, during the last Tribe call, Catherine, who lives in Bali, Indonesia, told me she just received the little postcard with a magnifier and a compass that I sent to all my Tribe members about six weeks earlier.

When I shared my surprise that it took so long to reach her, she replied that it was a miracle that the postcard arrived in her letterbox, as most mails sent from abroad never reach it!

Isn’t this fantastic?!

You may ask: “could this just be a coïncidence?

And I would reply: “Maybe…But don’t you believe that all coïncidences are miracles?”

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