Every year, when it is time to start the MKE with the new members, I wonder who I will meet in my Tribe, and how many of them will show up after the first-week webinar.

Because not everyone is ready to jump into such an experience, the MKE Hero’s Journey, and it happens every year that a few names drop off my Tribe list after Mark & Davene Week 1 intro.

After all, most people who start the MKE have never done for themselves anything close to what is required from them from Day 1 of the training: creating a blog, doing specific readings 3 times a day, sitting still for at least 10-15′, attending to intense webinars, studying training videos, sharing their experience in a Forum with people from all around the world, and…writing a Definite Major Purpose, shortly known as DMP.

A little metaphor comes to my mind: everybody knows the reputation of the Navy Seals training, the hardest physical & mental military training that a human being could possibly endure.

The goal is, of course, to prepare these elite soldiers to face any situation on the battlefield, however extreme it may be, and increase their chances to accomplish their mission while staying alive.

It looks like the MKE could well be the equivalent of the Navy Seals training for all citizens who have made the choice to accomplish something significant in their life, which we would call their mission, or Dharma, or Definite Major Purpose.

Their battlefield is the daily life and its environment, and their main enemy is the permanent ambient conditioning specially designed to transform any inattentive person into a model of conformity living a life of quiet desperation…In other words, the equivalent of being killed on the battlefield for a soldier!

So for me, as a guide, the challenge is always the same: finding ways to help all members of my Tribe staying committed to their own promise to achieve their MKE Hero’s Journey.

If you, as a member, are REALLY willing to achieve the MKE training, it is crucial that you keep your mind and your heart focused on the reasons why you requested your scholarship – don’t give a chance to your Old Blueprint to bring you out of the program, because the reality is this:

  • ANY reason, even if it looks “external” to your will (eg. too much work in your job, an accident, the illness or death of a relative, etc.), that would “convince” you that you should quit or delay your involvement in your Hero’s Journey should be considered for what it really is: a refusal of the call, which means a pretext to stop you doing what your soul or higher self – give it the name which is right for you! – is calling for.

I know this could sound hard or extreme for some of you, but always remember this: whether you know it or not, accept it or not, believe it or not, you, like everyone of us, are an EXTREMELY powerful creator…

So the real question and the real choice becomes: “shall I continue to unconsciously turn my powerful creative force against myself until I become another victim living “a life of quiet desperation”, OR shall I learn how to harness that powerful creative force in me, and start using it for my own good and to serve the Source of All Good?”

Not choosing is still choosing, because there is nothing else between these two possibilities!


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