Yesterday, Françoise and me were driving back from a beautiful and relaxing day in the mountain side of Mallorca, the Spanish Mediterranean island, when I surprised myself making an agressive gesture towards the car driver who was following us on the highway.

The reasons why I did the gesture are not important, as they are only « explanations » to justify the behavior, and bringing to the only possible ego driven, immutable conclusion : « I am right and they are wrong. »

More interesting on the other hand, is WHAT triggered that agressive behavior inside of me in less than a minute, coming from a peaceful state of mind.

Easy but unsatisfactory answer : « the other person was very hostile and that’s why I became agressive. »

Self-talk5If I took this answer as the final one without looking further, I would be like a thirsty traveler lost in the desert and trying to reach a mirage in the distance to quench his thirst…

To find a better answer, we need a better question: what, INSIDE OF ME, could have been possibly triggered by this agressive driver, and pushed me into a negative behavior?

We learn this in the MKMMA: it’s a set of negative programs and memories in the subconscious mind, which are triggered automatically by specific events, thoughts or emotions…The so called old blueprint!

The only way to get rid of these inconvenient programs is by letting them starve to death, in other words, by stopping nourrishing them.

There are several ways we nourrish our programs:

  • By repeating them ; the most often they are repeated, the stronger they become;
  • By creating emotions around them; for example, if I feel guilty after my « bad gesture » on the road, I am subconsciously reinforcing the program which triggered the gesture;
  • By maintaining inner self-talk that feed them with invisible energy.

The two first ways are rather easy to observe, once we learn to monitor ourselves from our self-observatory. Self-talk3

But the third way is by far the most important and also the most difficult to grasp, because it is extremely difficult to become aware of all the self-talk which happens continuously in our mind…and since most of our self-talk is negative by design, we have here a huge source of improvement… providing we are ready to make the effort!

We can only eliminate negative self-talk by replacing it with…positive self-talk!

Hence the intensive use of the Law of Substitution.

I apply the Law of Substitution by making Ho’opono pono each time I find myself in a negative mood; the book « Zero Limit » by Joe Vitale is a great description of this powerful practice.

Prayer, meditation, focus on positive topics are other excellent ways to use the Law of Substitution once we detect the presence of negative self-talk in our mind.

But becoming aware of our negative self-talk in the present moment is our ultimate challenge towards its elimination.

This challenge is more like a marathon than a sprint race, so persistence and stamina are the two ingredients to develop in our character if we want to have a chance to win that race…

It’s also a challenge that we can more easily win collectively; and in MKMMA, which has been designed as a giant mastermind, we have several opportunities to share our personal best practices, namely the member’s Alliance, our blogs,  the tribe calls, the mastermind following the weekly webinar, and so on.

Here is my current main practice to catch my negative self-talk : each time I catch myself in a negative behavior (like here in my agressive gesture) I know that negative self-talk will follow, UNLESS I trigger the Law of Substitution…and this is exactly what I do 😊

What is your best practice so far to catch your negative self-talk? Let’s share and win this race together!


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