In Belgium, the 6th of December we celebrate St. Nicholas, the patron saint of the pupils.

St. Nicholas visits the children’s homes during the night and leaves them presents down the chimney.

For the children, the ritual is very important: they write a letter or make a drawing with all the presents they would like to receive, then they put their shoes down the chimney and sing the song of St. Nicholas before going to bed.blog_week_11_saint-nicolas2

Last weekend, I got a phone call from my 5-year-old grand-daughter Camille and her 9-year-old twin sisters.

Camille was really excited because St. Nicholas visited her home earlier than the official 6th of December (it’s easier for the parents when St. Nicholas comes during a weekend!)

When I asked her why St. Nicholas decided to visit her home earlier than expected, her answer amazed me:

“Well, it’s normal Papiluc (that’s my nickname), before we went to bed, we read our letter out loud, then we put our shoes down the chimney with some carrots and potatoes for his mule, and then we sang his song very loudly. That’s why he came earlier at our home.”

The confidence and assertiveness in her voice didn’t let any space for doubt that St. Nicholas HAD to come earlier because of what she did with the assistance of her sisters (they know the “truth”)!

After this great conversation, I was literally drawn to think about what we are doing in the Master Key Experience, with our DMPs, vision boards, and Press Releases…

Can you distinguish some similarities with what Camille did? I bet you do!

By the way, it would be a BIG mistake to think that St. Nicholas or Father Christmas or Easter Bunny do not exist and that our parents aren’t there to replace them…and therefore that we are not today in the same situation as Camille.

JUST THINK FOR A MOMENT: don’t you agree that whatever the “thing” (a person, a group of people, an event or a sequence of events, …) we require to get what we want in our DMP, this “thing” already exists or will come into existence on the perfect time required, providing we believe in it?

I thought about all the efforts most of us in MKMMA are investing to recover that level of faith and belief in our own power when we were 5-year-old kids…

Do you imagine the number of things we could have achieved in addition in our life since that time?

That said, there is no need to become depressed or nostalgic, we are well in our place and everything in the universe has its reason.

And most importantly: we still have the same faith and the same power as when we were 5 years old.

It’s just that we need to get rid of some bad memories and invisible burdens that we have accumulated since that time and which are temporarily obstructing our way to greatness.

We have all the time we need for this sacred work, providing we never stop trying.

You are powerful beyond measure, always remember it!

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