Idyllic forest in a springtime panorama landscape

What is this mysterious power that makes some people, at some stage of their life, willing to connect with their Inner Self, although they didn’t even know its existence so far?

And why doesn’t this power work on the same way for each individual on the planet?

It is the French priest and philosopher Teilhard de Chardin who said this renowned sentence: “We are not human beings living a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings living a human experience.”

If this is true – and I believe it is – that would cover the biggest part of the answer to the first question.

As for the second question, “why aren’t we all equal to that mysterious power that “awaken us” to the existence of our spiritual being?”, I had a hint last week, during one of my 15 minutes daily sits – a great practice that we learn during the MKMMA training.

My hint had the form of a metaphor which went like this: although as human beings we are capable of moving in all directions of space, which allows us among others to get our food to grow and live, it is not the same for us as spiritual beings.

We, as spiritual beings, are like trees: we can only move in two directions, up with the trunk and down with the roots.

A tree is doomed to grow exactly where its seed was sewed, and if the ground in that exact place contains plenty of water and nutrients, it is well, otherwise, it has to struggle to grow until its soil becomes richer.

It is exactly the same for us, as spiritual beings.

Also, trees, when they grow close to each other, are forming forests, which gives them a powerful collective power.

For example, the ground in the forest and along its edge is constantly enriched with the dead leaves and the dead wood that decomposes over time, creating an ecological system allowing the trees inside the forest to grow bigger and young trees to come to birth in its edge, allowing the forest to grow.

Another example of this collective power is that each tree in the forest is ten times more resistant to high winds and storms than any tree standing alone in a meadow; the reason is that when the wind blows, the trees in the forest lean on one another and sustain each other by their crowns.

In summary, trees in a forest are feeding each other, grow stronger continuously, and allow the younger trees which were sewed in the edge of the forest to grow too by enriching their ground.

Can you see how we, as spiritual beings, are working like trees?

When I finished my 15’ sit, I realized how much the MKMMA training had been so far a great food for my Inner Self, which means that I am lucky enough to have been sewed in the edge of a forest with a very rich soil!

And since you are reading this, it is the same for you!!

Let’s be grateful for this and continue to grow…individually and collectively!

forest trees. nature green wood sunlight backgrounds

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