Do you know why I am really happy to be in the mkmma experience?

Because it’s helping me to THINK and to go inside of a thing (like in the Battleship exercise).

Twice in a raw, I’ve been confronted to specific practices that do not serve our network marketing business, but which, in the same time, contain positive lessons for our own practice (Emerson’s law!)

The first practice is the well known « Incredible List of Contacts » that will bring you unprecedented success in your MLM business.

In MLM like in any other occupation, learning and practicing the right skills cannot be replaced by any miracle tool.

In MLM like in any other occupation, learning and practicing the right skills cannot be replaced by any miracle tool.

Of course, without selling, with zero effort and rejection free.

Why could this be? Here is why: « the successful person in MLM has a very big list of contacts, whereas all who fail have a very short list of contacts and they are afraid to call. » Aaaah, yes, I’ve got it, now I understand!

One thing which struck me is that the person who sent me the ad did it through…LinkedIn.

Why is she not using her magic List of Contacts tool???

I think I found out why. The reason is called « Mine the Minors » (the minors being MLM Reps in this instance.)

When I clicked the link in her ad, I first got a 2 minute Raa Raa Video (the same video could have been used for any product, eg. An Ice Cream with steroïds to build muscles not fat, or basket ball shoes with « magic ball » rubber in the insoles, or invisible patches transforming the body fat into sunscreen…)

Then, the surprise: to know more about the product, we have to provide our name and email, then click the button to the vault.

Now from hereon, there is no need to be a Battleship expert to guess what will probably happen next : if you click, your name and email would feed their database and you would become a new contact for their buyers!

Clever isn’t it ?

Here is a commercial ad where the advertiser wins with every single visitor, the buyer and the non-buyer.

That’s the positive lesson of this ad: do you believe we could do the same (positively) with our own list of contacts and prospection methods ? I am sure we can.

Next story.

Yesterday, I met a Rep of one of these new commercial Group Buyers cards, « increase your buying power & make savings » (translate : « suck the dealers even more »), « win money without selling anything » (ie. « get a nice fire in your fireplace, don’t care about the wood »)

Here too, I learn a positive lesson: while that Rep tried to recruit me, I was observing my reactions.

My sales filter was ON full power, and still I felt some perverse attraction for his stuff during a short time when he showed me on his iPhone the picture of a room full of people « who just joined. »

That’s why I took his brochure, and I am now Battleshipping it to find out what else I could take from it to apply positively in my own business.

I promise to share with you anything useful I would find out (I always keep my promises 🙂 )

Feel good,


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