Finding these words, « life means growth », in Haanel, 21-16 instantly triggered in me the moto I put some time ago in front of my personal website.

The moto said : « We must grow to live, therefore we must live to grow. »plante

I remember that as soon as these words came into my mind for the first time, I could not resist writing them down on the spot.

But later on, and still today, I have to take a deep breath and make a serious thinking effort to put these words in their right order and understand what they really mean!

My current understanding is this : as life means growth, it means we should live to grow, ie. we should permanently stay focused on the things which allow us to grow, physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc.

I like to play, so I thought I could tempt to anchor this idea in my subconscious mind while making some fun of it by just being creative and formulating it on various ways.

For example :

– To live is to grow, therefore to grow is to live. Do you agree ?

– If I grow then I am living a good life, and if I live my life fully then I am always growing.

– Anyone who does not grow is not really living.

– Everything which stops growing also stops living.

– Anyone who stops growing starts to die.

– We are surrounded by people who don’t seem to grow, we call them zombies.

– If we stop focusing on growth, we become zombies ourselves.

– Applying what we learn in MKMMA makes us growing, therefore it is essential to life.

Ok, I’ll stop here 🙂

If you are still reading, it’s either because you like to play also, or because you are courageous and compassionate.

That means in all cases that you are growing and that I have been honored by your attention, so for this I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Feel good,


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